Chris’ research straddles the sociology of work and organisation studies with a particular interest in sustainable futures of work. His work is interdisciplinary and combines theoretical and conceptual inquiry with qualitative research, predominantly using interview and observational methodologies. He is available for business consultancy working with clients on issues related to culture and change, leadership development, and group dynamics.
Chris joined ARU in 2018, having previously worked at the universities of Leicester, Essex, St Gallen, Innsbruck and Warwick, where he was awarded his PhD in 2004.
Chris’ research is underpinned by an abiding interest in the relationship between economic forms of value and substantive values, for example ethical values, aesthetic values and political values. This continues to ground his research, with recent work having examined the re-emergence of ‘craft’ as a signifier of value in post-Fordist production, particularly in the ‘craft beer’ scene, ethical business practices, and the limits of Socially Responsible Management.
Chris is currently working on two main projects:
Chris is also working on smaller projects, with an ongoing interest in a range of topics where he would be interested in collaborating and potentially supervising doctoral students. These include:
Chris is a qualitative researcher, with experience of ethnographic and interview-based research methodologies. He is happy to consider proposals from PhD applicants with an interest in using theoretical or qualitative research methods to investigate any of the research interests listed above, but particularly:
Chris teaches on a range of modules including Ruskin Modules on technological change and work, the Sociology of Work, Organizational Behaviour, and Leadership and Change.
Weik, E., Land, C. and Hartz, R. (2024) The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Watson, D., Wallace, J., Land, C. and Patey, J. (2023) ‘Re-organising wellbeing: contexts, critiques and contestations of dominant wellbeing narratives’, Organization, 30(3), pp. 441-452.
Böhm, S., Jones, C. and Land, C. (2021) ‘Theory and politics in organization’, ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 21(4).
Langmead, K., Land, C. and King, D. (2020) 'Can Management Ever Be Responsible? Alternative Organising and the Three Irresponsibilities of Management'. In: Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN 978 1 78897 195 9.
Weir, K. and Land, C. (2020) ‘Towards an anarchist theory of value’. In: Parker, M., Swann, T. and Stoborod, K. (Eds.) (2020) Anarchism, Organization and Management: Critical Perspectives for Students. London: Routledge.
Land, C., Sutherland, N. and Taylor, S. (2019) ‘Back to the Brewster: Craft Brewing, Gender and the Dialectical Interplay of Retraditionalisation and Innovation’. In: Bell, E., Mangia, G., Taylor, S. and Toraldo, M. L. (Eds.) (2019) The Organization of Craft Work: Identities, Meanings and Materiality. London: Routledge.
King, D. and Land, C. (2018) ‘The democratic rejection of democracy: Performative failure and the limits of critical performativity in an organizational change project’, Human Relations, 71(11), pp. 1535-1557.
Goworek, H., Land, C., Burt, G., Zundel, M., Saren, M., Parker, M. and Lambe, B. (2018) 'Scaling Sustainability: Regulation and Resilience in Managerial Responses to Climate Change', British Journal of Management, 29(2), pp. 209-219.
Land, C. and Taylor, S. (2018) 'Access and Departure', in Cassell, C., Cunliffe, A. L. and Grandy, G. (Eds.) 'The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods'. London: Sage Publishing.
Land, C. (2018) ‘Back to the future: Reimagining work through craft’, Futures of Work, 3(19).
Chris has published blogs and been interviewed on radio and television about a number of topics related to work and employment, including Radio 4’s Food Programme and BBC television.