Dr Anna Paraskevopoulou

Associate Professor
Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Sociology , Human Resources Management , Psychology , Migration (human)
Research Supervision:

Anna is an Associate Professor in Management, specialising in work sociology and organisational psychology. Her work addresses fair practices within the neoliberal economy, exploring issues of work and education inequalities, migration and diaspora, gender dynamics, and the impact of AI on future work environments. Anna is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Academic Member of the CIPD and a Fellow in Global Labor Organization.



Anna completed her PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science under the supervision of Professor Anthony Smith. She subsequently worked as a Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at the Working Lives Research Institute, gaining extensive experience in academic and policy-oriented research funded by the EU, UK Research Councils, local authorities, and charities. Joining ARU in 2016, she continued her teaching and research activities, contributing to ARU’s research theme, ‘Safe and Inclusive Communities.’ Her research has informed policy development for organisations such as Oxfam, the International Labour Organisation, the European Commission, and local authorities in the UK. Her work has supported the REF2021 environment and contributed to a REF2014 Impact Case Study.

Anna holds several faculty and institutional leadership roles, including:

  • Faculty Chair for Athena Swan
  • Faculty Lead for the Safe & Inclusive Communities Research Innovation & Impact Leadership Team
  • Member of the Centre for Inclusive Societies and Economies (CISE) and its EDI cluster group
  • Faculty REF Advisory Group member.

In 2024, Anna received the Emerald Literati Outstanding Research Paper Award for her co-authored study on age discrimination.

Spoken Languages



Research interests
  • Work inequalities within neoliberal economies
  • Migration, forced migration and diaspora employment experiences
  • Gender dynamics in the workplace
  • Age discrimination and its impact on employment
  • Artificial intelligence and its influence on future work environments
  • BAME-Led Social Enterprises
  • Social inclusion and integration for marginalised communities
  • Equality and diversity policies in organisations
Areas of research supervision
  • AI: leadership; inclusion; gender; AI
  • Sustainable practices
  • Student mobility and identity
  • The Imposter Phenomenon
  • The concept of trust in employment relations
  • The impact of stereotypes
  • BAME-led social enterprises
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Migrant worker experiences of the labour market
  • Inequalities in hiring practices

Doctoral completions:

  • 2024: 1st supervisor – Kate Atkin, How do individuals cope at work in the context of the imposter phenomenon? A thematic analysis
  • 2024: 1st supervisor - Christian Schultz - New Work: Transformation and interpersonal Trust in a Swiss Insurance IT company
  • 2023: 1st supervisor – Szabolcs Kiss, Workplace selection preferences of Hungarian engineering students and early careers engineers
  • 2022: 1st Supervisor – Marina Anastasio, Globalisation and Student Mobility in Higher Education: a comparative study between Indian and Italian students in the UK
  • 2019: 2nd Supervisor – Nigel Carter, ‘New Ethnicities’ – The Cultural Politics of BME Networks
  • 2018: 1st Supervisor – Edith Anne Jones, Union activism: an exploration of the differential consequences of staff and freelance

I enjoy innovative teaching and have presented my role-playing teaching method at various pedagogical conferences. I prioritise creativity and the development of critical skills, which are essential for future employability. I have received numerous teaching award nominations.

I currently lead:

Organisational Psychology in Social Context (Level 7, MA / MBA / DL MBA / BL MBA 30 credit module) - module leader (and module design and development)

Previously I led the following modules:

Managing People (Level 7, MBA)
Leading Developing and Managing People – (Level 7)
Human Resource Management in Context (Level, 7 MA)
Leadership in Contemporary Organisations – (Level 6)
Reward Management (Level 6)

Have also received numerous teaching awards, including for excellence in supervision and innovative pedagogy.

  • PhD, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
  • MA, University of Bradford, UK
  • BA (Hons), University of Reading

Teaching Qualifications:

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, London Metropolitan University
Memberships, editorial boards
  • CIPD Academic Member (January 2019 to today) 
  • Fellow, Global Labor Organization (GLO) 
  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy 
  • Member of British Sociological Association 
  • Member, British Academy of Management
  • Member of British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA)

Membership of Centres/Institutions

  • Member of the Centre for Inclusive Societies and Economies (CISE), Anglia Ruskin University
  • Centre for Research into the Organization of Work and Consumption (CROWC), Anglia Ruskin University 
  • Associate member, Global Diversities and Equalities research centre, London Metropolitan University
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  1. 2024 – to date: AHRC funded project “Co-creating Asset And Place Based Approaches To Tackling Refugee And Migrant Health Exclusion” (Researcher) – 2.4 million
  2. 2022-2023 - Safe and Inclusive Communities RII funded project BME led Social - Enterprises (with Oxford Council and Greenwich University) - £6,564.60 - PI
  3. 2022-to date - FBL Pump-Priming Project Collective Labour Voice in the Post-COVID Gig Economy - £2,300 – CO-I
  4. 2020-2021 - FBL Pump-Priming Project The Art of Integration £1,000 – PI
  5. 2020 – 2021 Migration Research into Ethnic and Culturally Diverse Groups, Essex Council (Rainbow Services) – CO-I
  6. 2012-2016 - Arts Award Longitudinal Impact Study, funded by the Arts Council England and Trinity College London: the focus of this research is on young people in the arts – (Co-I)
  7. 2014–2016 - Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour, funder by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – CO-I researcher
    2015 - Working Conditions, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the EU, funder by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – CO-I researcher
  8. 2014-2016 – UNIVERSITARIA Project - school of university didactics and advanced scientific research, funded through an ESF fund – Coordinating partner and researcher 
  9. 2011-2012 - Precarious work and social rights, funded by the European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities: a Europe wide project with a twelve-country partnership – Project coordinator, Regional expert and researcher  
  10. 2010-2011 - Precarious Work in agriculture, hospitality and food, funded by the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT): Lead researcher and coordination  
  11. 2009-2010 - Internationalisation and innovation in the service sector: the role of international migrants and UK (London) Hotels, funded by ESRC – Research and coordination
  12. 2008-2009 - Mapping study on the trade union and NGO practices in fighting discrimination and promoting diversity, funded by DG Employment at the European Commission: (Coordination team and research; national and regional expert) 
  13. 2008-2009 - The impact of the Racial Equality Directive: a survey of trade unions and employers in the Member States of the European Union, funded by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) – Researcher; national and regional expert 
  14. 2008-2009 - Undocumented Migrant Transitions (UWT), funded by the EU Sixth Framework Programme: Researcher
  15. 2007-2009 - PIQUE: Privatisation of Public Services and the Impact on Quality, Employment and Productivity, EU Sixth Framework Programme: UK in depth case studies – Researcher
  16. 2007 - Employment, Skills and Training Needs of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Recent Migrants in Haringey, funded by Haringey Council – Researcher 
  17. 2006 - 2007 - Significance of Migrant Workers in Mid and West Essex, funded by the Essex Development and Regeneration Agency (EXDRA) – Lead researcher 
  18. 2005-2006 - Disadvantage and Discrimination in London’s labour market, funded by London O3 – LSC Pan London ESF Objective 3 Co-Financing Programme – Lead researcher 
  19. 2004-2005 - Anti-Social Behaviour in London: Setting the context for the London Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy, funded by the GLA, London: Consultant researcher
Selected recent publications


Paraskevopoulou, A., and McKay, S. (2015) Workplace Equality in Europe: The Role of Trade Unions, Routledge - (book review by Susan Milner, University of Bath, UK in Work, Employment and Society 2017, Vol. 31(1) 191 –196)

McKay, S., Markova, E. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2011) Undocumented Workers' Transitions: Legal Status, Migration, and Work in Europe, Routledge: New York – (book review by Shannon Gleeson (2014) Undocumented workers' transitions: legal status, migration, and work in Europe, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37:5, 892-894)

Articles and Book chapters

Paraskevopoulou, A. (2024), ‘Ageism in the Workplace’ in the Workplace in McDonough, B and Parry, J (2024), Sociology of Work and Organisations: A Global Perspective. London: Routledge 

Paraskevopoulou, A. (2023) Women Tobacco Workers in the Interwar period in Greece, Workers of the World Journal, Volume 1 – Number 13

Drydakis, N., Paraskevopoulou, A. and Bozani, V. (2023), "A field study of age discrimination in the workplace: the importance of gender and race‒pay the gap", Employee Relations, Vol. 45 No. 2, pp. 304-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-06-2021-0277 – Outstanding Paper in the 2024 Emerald Literati Awards

Paraskevopoulou, A., (2020), ‘Precarious work and Gender’ in K. F. Zimmermann, (ed) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer-Verlag

Robinson, Y., Paraskevopoulou, A., Hollingworth, S. (2019) ‘Crafting “active citizens”: citizenship building through arts awardBritish Educational Research Journal, Vol. 45, Issue 6: 1203-1219

Markova, E., Paraskevopoulou A., McKay, S. (2019), ‘Treading lightly: regularised migrant workers in Europe’, Migration Letters 16(3): 451-461 - Three Year Impact Factor: 0. 67; (article Altmetrics: 14)

Sidiropoulou, K., Drydakis, N., Harvey, B. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2019), ‘Family support, school-age and workplace bullying for LGB people’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 41 No. 6, pp. 717-730 - IF: 3.295; 5-year IF: 2.745

Bozani, V, Drydakis, N, Sidiropoulou, K, Harvey, B, Paraskevopoulou A (2019) ‘Workplace Positive Actions, Trans People’s Self-Esteem and Human Resources’ Evaluations’, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 41 No. 6, pp. 809-831 - IF: 3.295; 5-year IF: 2.745

Selected Policy oriented publications / Research Reports

  • Carter, N., Paraskevopoulou, A., Henry, L., Sabrie, H., and Hamidi, M. (2024), Empowering Inclusion: Toolkit for Black and racially Minoritised Led Social Enterprises, Safe and Inclusive Communities, Anglia Ruskin University
  • Greenfields M, Dagilyte E, Gillin N, Radley C, Panjwani I, Paraskevopoulou A, Caddick N, Smith DM, (2022), Submission to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee Committee’s Inquiry into ‘Family Migration’, HM Government (submitted)
  • Dagilyte E, Drydakis N, Gillin N, Greenfields M, Noble A, Paraskevopoulou A, Smith DM (2022) Submission to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee’s Inquiry ‘Post-pandemic economic growth: UK labour markets’. HM Government, Online. - Link
  • Schneider, C., Paraskevopoulou, A., Noble, A., Preston, C. (2020), Research into Ethnic and Culturally Diverse Groups in Harlow, Rainbow Services / Essex Council
  • Paraskevopoulou, A., Formm, A. and Clark, N. (2016) Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour, Eurofound, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
  • Hollingworth, S., Paraskevopoulou, A., Robinson, Y., Chaligianni, E. and Mansaray. A. (2016) - Arts Award Impact Study 2012-2016, London South Bank University report prepared for Trinity college
  • Aumayr-Pintar, C., Boehmer, S., Bremermann, M., Paraskevopoulou, A., McKay, S., Lewis, J. and Clark, N., (2015) Developments in working life in Europe, Eurofound
  • Mckay, S., Jefferys, S., Paraskevopoulou, A and Keles J. (2012) Precarious work and social rights, Carried out for the European Commission, (VT/2010/084)
  • McKay, S., Clark, N. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2011), Precarious work in Agriculture, Tourism and Food, Drinks and Tobacco, European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Union
  • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2010) ‘The impact of the Racial Equality Directive: a survey of trade unions and employers in the Member States of the European Union, Greece’ European Union for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
  • McKay, S, Markova, E., Paraskevopoulou, A. and Wright, T. (2009) The relationship between migration status and employment outcomes, Undocumented Workers’ Transitions, final project report, Carried out for the European Commission EU Sixth Framework Programme
  • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2008) UK health case study report, PIQUE research paper, Working Lives Research Institute, London
  • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2008) UK electricity sector case study report, PIQUE Case Study research paper, Working Lives Research Institute
  • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2008) UK transport sector case study report, PIQUE Case Study research paper Working Lives Research Institute
  • Craw, M., Jefferys, S., Paraskevopoulou, A. (2007), Employment, Skills and Training Needs of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Recent Migrants in Haringey, final report, September, Working Lives Research Institute, London
  • Paraskevopoulou, A. and McKay, S. (2007), The Significance of Migrant Workers in the Mid and West Essex Labour Market, final report, Working Lives Research Institute
  • Beutel, M. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2006), Tackling Disadvantage, Disengagement and Discrimination in London’s Labour Market, final report Working Lives Research Institute
  • Millie, A., Jacobson, J., Hough, M. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2005) Anti-social Behaviour in London: Setting the Context for the London Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy July 2005. London: Greater London Authority
  • Book Reviews

    • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2020). Book Review: Andy Furlong, John Goodwin, Henrietta O’Connor, Sarah Hadfield, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden and Réka Plugor, Young People in the Labour Market: Past, Present, Future. Work, Employment and Society.
    • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2020). Book Review: Susan Ferguson: Women and Work: Feminism, Labour and Social Reproduction. British Journal of Industrial Relations, EarlyView.
    • Paraskevopoulou A. Book review: Migration and domestic work: The collective organisation of women and their voices from the city. Management Learning. 2019;50(3):376-378
    • Paraskevopoulou A. Joint book review: Sharon Louden (ed.), Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists and Manos Spyridakis, The Liminal Worker: An Ethnography of Work, Unemployment and Precariousness in Contemporary Greece. Work, Employment and Society. 2016;30(5): 899-901
    • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2012), book review of Richardson M and Nichols P. (2011) A Business and Labour History of Britain, Palgrave, in Labour History Vol 53, Issue 4, 2012
    • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2005), book review of Stavrianos, L.S. (2000) The Balkans since 1453, reviewed in Nations and Nationalisms, Vol. 11, Issue 3, July 2005
    • Paraskevopoulou, A. (2000), book review of R.K Schaeffer, Severed States: dilemmas of Democracy in a divided world, reviewed in Nations and Nationalisms, Vol.6, Part 3, July 2000

    Blog posts

    • Anna Paraskevopoulou (2023) “Anwar Akhtar delivers powerful keynote at second Safe and Inclusive Communities research theme launch”
Recent presentations and conferences

2024: Keynote Speaker - Advancing EDI within the Accounting and Economic Professions, BAFA Diversity SIG, Royal Economic Society, Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), Cambridge, April 2024

2024: "Charters of Change: Transforming Work Conditions and tackling Modern Slavery” in ‘Unveiling the Shadows: Modern-day Slavery’ panel, Cambridge Festival, March 2024

2024: “Creating inclusion in the workplace – ARU LGBT History month” – February 2024

2024: "The day melted into the night and the night melted back into the day, so it was almost like as I say, a timeless vacuum.  I was just existing, and I was existing with this" - the case of Face Equality - Navigating the Intersectionality of Disability: A Discourse on Inclusivity, Access, and Empowerment – 31 January 2024

2023: ‘Words Matter: Towards meaningful implementation of EDI strategies in the workplace and academic work’ – organised and introduced in the AHSS/FBL Research Conference (together with Gemma Harvey and Sophie Coker) - June 2023

2023: “Equality and Employment Cluster Presentation”, Centre for Inclusive Societies and Economies (CISE), Moller Institute, Cambridge – September 2023

2023: “Age discrimination in the workplace: the importance of gender and race”, Sapienza, University of Rome – May 2023 (with Drydakis, N. and Bozani, V.)

2023: “Research in ARU” – Inter University Network launch event – April 2023

2023: “Feminism as an analytical tool for research” – ARU Women's History Month: Fighting the glass ceiling: empowering stories of resilience and leadership. – March 2023

2023: “Beyond LGTB+ History month: creating inclusion in the workplace – ARU LGBT History month” – February 2023

2022: BAME led social enterprises (part of Safe and Inclusive Communities Research theme II)– Chelmsford Festival of Science

2022: ‘What is the Meaning of ‘Good Work’? And how can Collective Worker Voice help to define it’ – presented in the AHSS/FBL research Conference (with Andrew Noble)

2021: ‘The local experience of social integration’ – British Sociological Association Conference, 13-15 April 2021

2021: ‘Changing work landscapes: gig work during the pandemic’ - – presented in the AHSS/FBL research Conference (with Andrew Noble)

2020: launch of theResearch into Ethnic and Culturally Diverse Groups in Harlow” online event

2019: ‘Age, gender and race in the workplace: discrimination in recruitment’ – presented at the British Sociological Association Conference in April 2019 (with Drydakis, N and Sidiropoulou, K)

Media experience

2020: BBC Radio Essex, short interview for the Morning News bulletin on gender discrimination for (broadcasted 25/10/2020)

2019: publicity following my presentation on ageism at the 2019 British Sociological Conference in Glasgow (selected links)

2019: Cambridge network - following the publication of Migration Letters article (see above) ‘Treading lightly: regularised migrant workers in Europe’

2014, I was approached and provided material for an information leaflet for a seminar on Precarious Women in the EU Labour and Migrant, which was organized in Brussels in December 2014 by the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW). The seminar was delivered by an MEP.

2014, I was approached and provided research data for a newspaper article on Precarious work in Europe in the Slovenian newspaper DELO

2011, Press Conference, European trade union EFFAT, presentation of interim results of the project on precarious work, Brussels, June 2011

2007, Migration in Essex, Radio Interview, BBC Radio Essex, David Monk Programme, 13 December 2007