Expert Network Addressing Child Sexual Abuse (ENACSA)

Purpose and ethos

The purpose of ENACSA is to create a visible, powerful research group that generates and shares knowledge, and collaborates and works together to drive change in policy and practice to prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE), improve responses to CSAE, and reduce the impacts of CSAE on all that are affected both personally and professionally.

Network members work together to create meaningful research projects and other activities, address CSAE knowledge gaps, and improve CSAE policy and practice. We continuously try to develop and share learning and build international CSAE knowledge in order to strengthen policy and practice across a range of relevant areas, not limited to prevention and protection.

The ethos of the network is based on a unified and collective commitment of members to preventing and combating CSAE and embraces the principle of collaboration over competition.

Composite of two photos of academics - members of ENACSA - talking and watching a presentation in a seminar room

ENACSA members discussing strategy at the group's first in-person meeting at ARU's Chelmsford campus, autumn 2024

Contact us

If you’re a UK-based academic researching CSAE and are interested in joining ENACSA, or would like to know more about the network, email Ashley Perry at, Dr Deanna Davy at, or Prof Sam Lundrigan at