Entry requirements for MBChB Medicine may differ depending on where you are joining ARU from and all applicants are considered on an individual basis.
85% in Biology or Chemistry, plus two other from Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
Overall average of 1 in the Reife und Diplomprfurng (Mit Ausgezeichnetem Erfolg Bestanden) with 1 in Biology or Chemistry and 1, 2, 2 in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Region: Flanders
Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs - 8/10 or 16.5/20 or 78%
Region: German Speaking
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts - 8/10 or 16.5/20 or 78%
Region: Wallonia
8/10 or 16.5/20 or 78%
5 subjects to be taken. Grade 9 or more to be achieved in three subjects to include Biology or Chemistry and two more from Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics.
Diploma za Sredno Spetsialno Obrazovani - 6.0 overall
6 is required in 8 subjects, including Biology or Chemistry plus 2 others from Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Excluding PE)
Please note: This qualification cannot be considered on its own for Medicine. A suitable alternative qualification must be presented.
Svjedodzba o Maturi (Certificate of Maturity) - 5.0 overall
5, 5, 5, in Biology or Chemistry, plus two others from Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Apolytirion of Lykeion and two additional A-Levels at grades AA including Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics.
Maturitní Zkouše - 1.2 overall
1 (Výborný/Excellent) in Biology or Chemistry, plus 2 other from Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Bevis for Studentereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) - 9.7-10.8 overall
Grade 11 to be achieved in three A Level subjects to include Chemistry or Biology,plus 2 others from Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics or Biology.
Gümnaasiumi (grade 12 cert) - 90% required in all 5 subjects to include Biology or Chemistry, plus two others from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics.
Riigiekasmitunnistus - Average of 5.0
Please note: This qualification cannot be considered on its own for Medicine. A suitable alternative/additional qualification must be presented.
Ylioppilastustkinto/ Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) - L7 Laudatur (Excellent)
M Grade 6/E (exceptionally good) minimum to be achieved in Biology or Chemistry plus two others from Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Physics.
Baccalaureate de l'Enseignement du Second Degré (French Baccalaureate) or the Option - Overall average of 15
A minimum of 15 in Chemistry or Biology is required, plus two further subjects from Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur/Fachhochschulreife - Overall score of 1.0-1.3
A minimum of 14 in Chemistry or Biology is required, plus two further subjects from Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Apolytirion of Lykeion with 19.0 overall and two additional A-Levels at grades AA including Biology or Chemistry, plus one other from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics
A minimum of 14 in Chemistry or Biology is required, plus two further subjects from Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Erettségi/Matura with a grade of 5.0 in all subjects
Chemistry or Biology is required as an optional subject.
Irish Leaving Certificate
Three Higher level subjects at H1 including Biology or Chemistry.
Three Higher level subjects at minimum H2 including Chemistry or Maths or Physics or Biology.
Higher Merit or above is also required in English, Maths and Science from the Irish Junior Cycle (Higher Level).
Diploma di Esami di Stato - 95 overall (Opzione Classica/Scientifica)
Chemistry or Biology is required, plus two further subjects from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
Atestas par visparejo videjo zglitibu - Grade A required in all 5 subjects including Chemistry or Biology at Advanced level plus two of Maths, Physics, Biology or Chemistry.
Please note: This qualification cannot be considered on its own for Medicine. A suitable alternative/additional qualification must be presented.
Brandos Atestatas (Certificate of Maturity) - 9.0 Overall
95% Average in three state exams to include Biology or Chemistry plus two others from Maths, Physics, Biology or Chemistry.
Please note: This qualification cannot be considered on its own for Medicine. A suitable alternative/additional qualification must be presented.
Diploma de Fin Études Secondaires - 48+ Overall
48 or above in Chemistry or Biology plus two of Maths, Physics, Biology or Chemistry.
Matriculation Certificate (MATSEC)
Grades AA in Two subjects taken at Advanced Level to include Biology or Chemistry and two others from Maths, Physics, Biology or Chemistry.
Three subjects at Intermediate Level, to include one subject from Biology, Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics if not already taken at Advanced Level.
Matriculation Certificate (MATSEC) - 8 Overall
Grade 9 in Chemistry or Biology plus two others from Maths, Physics, Biology or Chemistry.
Matura - Average of 85% in three advanced level subjects
Biology or Chemistry is required, plus one other from Maths, Physics, Bioloy or Chemistry. Excluding Physical Education.
Certificado de fim des Estudos Secundarios/Diploma de Ensino Secundario
Pass Diploma de Ensino Secundario with an average of 18, including 18 in biology, chemistry and one other subject.
Diploma de Baccalaureate - Overall average grade of 9.0
Grade 9 in written Examinations in key Sciences including Biology and Chemistry.
Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške
Chemistry and Biology at individual grades of 1, one subject from Maths and Physics at grade 2.
Maturitetno Spricevalo
Grade 5 (Excellent) in each subject. Chemistry and Biology required as optional subjects.
Titulo de Bachillerato
Overall average of 9.0, including 9 in Biology and Chemistry.
Avgangsbetyg/Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskola
Overall grade of A, with A in Chemistry or Biology plus two others from Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Physics.