Jon Eno

Jon is wearing a baseball cap, glasses and a blue hoodie. He holds a saxophone

MA Music 2003

1. Tell us about yourself

I often want to answer this type of question with "gentle giant”, as I believe kindness and empathy should be the guiding traits for our society. However, I am aware that I should actually write something that endorses my twitter handle @jon_eno “Husband, Educator, Composer, Author, Musician, Farmer, Tourist, Grandad & Humanist”. Through the support of my family, I have been able to deliver education to young people across the globe whilst building a number of companies that include: Hot House Music and Big Bang Music. I am the recipient of national and international awards for education and music, including the Parliamentary Award for Jazz Education and a British Empire Medal as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. I believe that music is a universal language that encourages our world to become a smaller and more tolerate place, and hope that I get to spend the next few years nurturing the next generation of socially invested leaders.

2. What is your fondest memory of Anglia Ruskin University?

I studied my degree through Colchester Institute, and absolutely loved the site at Colchester, particularly the library. The atmosphere was always inclusive and being invited to deliver a number of education sessions was a highlight.

3. What has been your favourite job?

Sitting on the Education Panel for Jazz Services. It was a very special moment to realise that there was an ecosystem within the jazz fraternity that actively wanted music to play a vital part within all young lives and it was here that I first truly experienced the sensation that “perhaps” my perspectives had value that could add to the national narrative, exhilarating!  

4. In one word, how would you describe Anglia Ruskin University?


5. How did your time at ARU help you?

ARU helped to align my philosophies on life-long learning with those of business development. This was an extension of the transformative aspect of ARU. Once you see beyond age, race, sexuality and religion, you see the opportunities and problems that you can effect. I like to challenge all of my students and colleagues by asking not “what do you want to do when you grow up/mature/change, but what change do you want to effect?”. This approach to business and personal development helps me remain relevant to all demographics.

6. What did you love about your chosen course?

The course was directly and immediately able to respond to the pace of my input all of which were supervised by inspirational educators. You should never underestimate the skill of a lecturer and mentor, they have honed their craft to know “when to guide and when to challenge”.

7. What advice would you give to current students as they’re preparing to graduate?

Build your ARU and LinkedIn networks before you graduate. Being present in your world and being present with your connections marries beautifully with lifelong learning. Value the linear aspect of learning and look both ways.

8. What do you know now that you wish you had known whilst studying?

That it was my responsibility to build my own portfolio of networks. Above all, my own happiness is my own responsibility. You can control a moving career better than a still one. If you have a choice, say “yes” and take opportunity making it much easier to develop and evolve a role i.e. your life!

9. Who was the biggest influence on your career?

Alan Bullard delivered the applied composition class which was always enlightening and reaffirming. I loved seeing how he built a career around pure and applied. It showed me anything was possible. I will never forget his sessions. .

10. What advice would you give your younger self?

Firstly, find mantras that work for you and remind yourself of these. Learning to learn or to manage yourself is a gift for life. My favourite at the moment is “Try not to make decisions for other people, just by not giving them the opportunity to comment or contribute” i.e. if you do not ask them, because you assume they will offer a negative response, you are removing the opportunity for something else great to happen. Love the hard question and value the learning. Secondly, eruditely adopt modern technologies to help you develop duplication principles for growth and success. You will be happier, if you continue to try to work with new and emerging tools, the day you give up, is the day you start to lose your market position

11. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.

I am an introvert that has learned and developed enough strategies to operate in most environments. However, I would be most happy living the life of an organic farmer on an island just off Finistere in Brittany, France!

12. What’s next?

I am currently delivering a growth programme to Hot House Music which focuses on ensuring school children have access to inspirational youth music. As a result, I have written and published a number of books. The next steps include launching a Netflix style consumer platform for children’s education supported by next generation AI to guide learning. I believe passionately in the transformative power of music, and hope that society aspires to find peaceful resolutions to the problems that face our planet today. As a Non-Executive Director, I am blessed to be able to support and challenge amazing people to deliver amazing products. I am particularly energised by a product created by Digit Music that is making music easier. Through research to develop a controller for disabled musicians, this company has created a gamified process that will enable music creation to be reached by millions. I hope that Google and Apple will learn to embrace access and work with the sensational team at Digit Music. I believe passionately in the communicative and transformative powers of music and I hope that music helps society to find peaceful resolutions to the problems that face our planet today.