Charlotte Garrard

Charlotte Garrard stands smiling at a camera as she holds up her degree certificate

Adult Nursing 2018

1. Tell us about yourself.

I am a registered nurse on the specialist Adult Burns Unit at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex.

2. What is your fondest memory of Anglia Ruskin University?

I attended a welcome day before my course started and made friends with Amy who is still one of my best friends more than 5 years later. After we had started, there was an event going on and we shared some free candy floss they were giving out outside of Lord Ashcroft building. We were so excited and full of dreams for our course ahead.  

3. What has been your favourite job? 

I feel extremely lucky that since qualifying, I am still in the same role that I started a week after my course finished. My final management placement was on the Burns Unit at Broomfield Hospital because I had always dreamed of working there, and so submitted an application to work there. It has far exceeded any expectations I had! The nurses are so experienced and such an inspiration to me. They are so supportive and they feel like family! 

4. In one word, how would you describe Anglia Ruskin University?


5. How did your time at ARU help you? 

Being at ARU taught me to have courage and stand up for patient care with upmost compassion. The tutors went above and beyond to teach, guide and mould us into the best nurses we could be. Most importantly they always believed in me. 

6. What did you love about your chosen course? 

It was fast paced and combined a whole mix of lectures, clinical skills sessions, tutor groups and placement. Our grades were made up of exams, assignments, presentations and practical assessments to ensure we really knew our stuff!

7. What advice would you give to current students as they’re preparing to graduate? 

Keep looking forward and don’t worry if you feel like you aren’t ready for your job role. I think everyone feels like that and you never stop learning. Situations will arise and you will find yourself reciting what you learnt at university. That's when you will realise how much you do know!

8. What do you know now that you wish you had known whilst studying?

The greater the challenge, the more gratifying the reward!

9. Who was the biggest influence on your career? 

The nurses and doctors looking after me during my time spent as a patient. They set an example and showed me the impact of the simple gestures such as a smile. I try to follow their example everyday as I look after patients and their relatives.

10. What advice would you give your younger self? 

You can overcome hurdles that will never seem possible!

11. Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know. 

As a child, I had to have all of my injections done at the doctors surgery because I couldn’t bear to be in the same room as a needle. I ran out more than once because I hated being near doctors!

12. What's next? 

I would really like to complete the Burns and Plastics Surgery Care course at ARU and then work towards my Masters.