Podcasts and Music Playlists to Relax and Study to.


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Creative Industries
Course: MA Music Therapy
Category: Music and performing arts

22 September 2023

MA Music Therapy student, Dominique, tells us how she uses podcasts and music to not only get into a good mindset but to also focus on her studies for her master's degree.

The autumn trimester has started, and I’ve set myself up for success with motivational podcasts and music study playlists.

Picture of ARU blogger Dominque listening to a podcast

Spare Time

When I have spare time, I try to listen to podcasts that put me in a good mindset. Self-care for students is so important and I like being able to listen to podcasts and multitask on other things I need to get done during the day, like cleaning my flat or doing laundry. I’m getting what I need to get done logistically, but I also am taking care of myself emotionally.

Some of my favourites are:

  • The Happiness Lab
  • TEDTalks Health
  • Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

Staying Focused and Motivated

For my master’s programme, I write quite a few papers and I am also working on my dissertation. I find it really helpful to listen to instrumental music. When I try to work on writing and have music playing with words, it can be distracting but I find that if it’s just instrumental, it actually helps me stay focused and motivated.

Some of my favourites are:

  • Chill Lofi Study Beats
  • Background Jazz
  • Instrumental piano or guitar


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