27 February 2025
How to prepare for success as an Anglia Ruskin University alumni
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Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
Category: Nursing and midwifery
5 June 2019
Final-year Adult Nursing student Jade reflects on her time at ARU, and the things she has learnt and experienced on her journey to becoming a nurse.
As I begin my final placement as a student and my training comes to a close, I am left reflecting on what my journey as a student nurse has meant to me and how far I have come, both as a nurse and as a person.
Over these three years I have definitely changed: I am more confident, more professional and honestly I am happier. This has confirmed for me that nursing is in my blood and now I could not imagine doing anything else with my life.
From day one I have carried a passion and an excitement about this journey, that even through highs and lows I have never lost. I have experienced such a wide variety of placements, people and illnesses and my knowledge has expanded beyond what I could imagine. I have a vested interest now in our politics and our healthcare system as a whole that I have never experienced before. My love for my job, my patients and my NHS can dominate conversations in my personal life now as well as my professional life and I feel that I am part of an amazing institution.
I have to say I have really enjoyed being a student and though I am looking forward to qualifying, I think it's safe to say I'm going to miss this time. Making friends that will last a lifetime and new experiences and opportunities have been a joy to explore. I have really enjoyed immersing myself in university life, working as a Student Ambassador and learning all there is to offer. I have gained skills and confidence as each year has passed, taking on more responsibility, harder work and greater challenges. All of this has definitely helped shape my work ethic, my professionalism and aspects of my personality already there.
My family and friends comment on the difference in me and hearing of their pride and happiness for me brings a lightness to my heart. I can be proud of the career I have, be certain that I will always be needed in work and make my daughter proud. This course has definitely given me some difficult times to cope with but this is counteracted by some truly beautiful and privileged times. The memories of being a student are those that I will take with me into the future and I hope I never forget them.
Completing all of my academic work and passing all of my exams and assignments is not only a huge relief but is a wonderful achievement and I am proud to say I am on track to finish this course with a first class honours. I cannot begin to express how this feels as I remember starting this course and thinking that the end felt so far away. All the hard work, hours and tears put in have been worth every second to have achieved so much. My sign-off placement is my final hurdle before qualifying and I will dedicate as much energy and passion to this placement as I have with every other. I intend to enjoy every second of being a student while I still have the opportunity.
I am so proud to say that I have been given a job in A&E as a newly qualified nurse and I cannot wait to start my journey as a qualified nurse.
Good luck to all of those I have worked with over these last three years and to every other nursing student that will come through these doors. As long as you dedicate yourself and remember why you wanted to be a nurse, you are sure to go far. It has been an amazing journey and one I will never forget.
Thank you so much to everyone at Anglia Ruskin University, from lecturers and tutors to librarians and employability teams. You have been wonderful to work with and I will miss you all dearly.
Jade studies Adult Nursing at ARU in Chelmsford. Find out more about our nursing and healthcare courses at an Open Day.
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