ARU Blogs — Language, literature and media

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11 July 2023

Digital Media Production student Sade applied to ARU through Clearing, having taken a year out to work and gain experience. Here, she explains how Clearing was the opportunity to find her perfect course. Read more…

4 May 2023

I’m Mitzi, a third year Early Childhood Studies student at ARU and self-published children’s author. Here are my top five children’s books that inspired me throughout my childhood as well as currently influence me as an author and early childhood student. Read more…

6 May 2022

I studied my BA and then my MA at ARU and so there are many resources that helped inform my writing and individual style. You will get a specific reading list as part of your course when you start your modules, but this isn’t about that… Read more…

6 May 2022

When you join your course and start your modules, you’ll get a full reading list that will include journals, essays and textbooks, so don’t jump the gun and wait until you start to make the most of your finances and the awesome library here. In the meantime, to quench your thirst for knowledge… Read more…

30 March 2022

Media is a broad subject, and so it can be hard to know where you want to go with your degree. Here are five potential careers that link to this degree, that you might not have considered. Read more…

8 March 2022

Media, as a subject, encompasses an incredibly wide range of topics. Due to this broadness studying it at a degree level means you'll require a variety of resources when producing work for classes. Here are some of them. Read more…

5 August 2021

I remember my move-in day as if it were only yesterday. The excitement, the slight fear, the things that I did right and where I could have improved. These are the tips that I would share with anyone who is moving into housing or student accommodation this September. Read more…

Language, literature and media Bloggers


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