ARU Blogs — Ciéra

Media Studies student Ciéra

Faculty:Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

School:School of Creative Industries

Course: BA (Hons) Media Studies

I am a BA (Hons) Media Studies student with a passion for writing. I studied my A-levels at Dereham Sixth Form College and that’s where I discovered my passion for Media Studies.

My objective is to make the most of my time at ARU. I have been a Course Rep, the 2020/21 President & Editor-in-Chief of The Ruskin Journal at Anglia Ruskin University, and I am also a blog writer for OGMA POST. My highlight of ARU so far is when the RJ received a shortlisted nomination in the 2020 NSVAs (National Societies & Volunteering Awards). I am so proud of this.

Studying media has opened so many doors for me and it has helped me feel more confident in putting my work out there. As a creative person it can sometimes be difficult to know which direction to go in, but taking Media Studies as a degree has shown me that it’s alright to enjoy and make the most out of being able to do an assortment of works.

You can read my blogs to see all about my achievements and experience gathered throughout my time at ARU as well as what day-to-day life is like for a Media Studies student. Enjoy!

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30 March 2022

Media is a broad subject, and so it can be hard to know where you want to go with your degree. Here are five potential careers that link to this degree, that you might not have considered. Read more…

8 March 2022

Media, as a subject, encompasses an incredibly wide range of topics. Due to this broadness studying it at a degree level means you'll require a variety of resources when producing work for classes. Here are some of them. Read more…

5 August 2021

I remember my move-in day as if it were only yesterday. The excitement, the slight fear, the things that I did right and where I could have improved. These are the tips that I would share with anyone who is moving into housing or student accommodation this September. Read more…

20 April 2021

During my first year of university I submitted a manifesto to become a Course Representative for my media class. Without thinking too much about it, I decided that this would be a good opportunity to undertake for my CV as well as to engage further within the faculty. Read more…

19 March 2021

Digital Media Theory, from the get-go, was one of the modules that we take on my course that I was really looking forward to. You get to focus on topics surrounding social media, and I felt that was one of my personal strengths and enjoyments. Read more…

12 March 2021

I’m a big fan of TedTalks so when I saw them being used as part of our required reading and listening lists prior to attending classes I was quietly happy. This is a list of some of the videos that I have been watching so far that have helped me in my studies. I hope they help you too. Read more…

6 October 2020

Prior to joining ARU it was always my intention to become involved with student societies, namely The Ruskin Journal. I had always loved writing so I knew that providing content for an online magazine would be up my street. Read more…


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