Balancing Full-time Student Life while employed Part-time


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Creative Industries
Course: MA Music Therapy
Category: Music and performing arts

19 July 2023

Student blogger, Dominique, standing in front of a banner with 'ARU International Office' written on it.

University life has taught me to balance many different things at once which is definitely an essential life skill.

The international office

For the first year of my master’s program, I worked a few hours a week for the international office at ARU and focused on building up my hours slowly so I could know what my balance was. I’ve also chosen jobs that are fun and exciting for me so working doesn’t feel like a chore. I find it helpful to write everything down in a calendar and write in study times so I don’t schedule work or something else.

Summer internship

This summer I started teaching yoga, which has been perfect for me. I enjoy being able to exercise, teach, and get paid. I also applied for a summer internship at ARU for two months and that has been amazing work. I have to balance it accordingly with planning for my dissertation and a few summer assignments.

Ways of working

When the weather is nice, I like to work outside and that really helps me enjoy the work. I’ll work at the botanical gardens, cute cafés, the pool, and parks. When my studies and placement start to kick up again in September, I’ll take a step back from working to refocus my energy on my degree.

I think the balance comes from knowing myself, my needs and wants, and remembering why I’m studying and what makes me happy.


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