ARU Blogs — Allied and public health

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4 May 2023

One of my biggest worries before I started the ODP course was about what books I should be buying! On my first day lectures advised not to spend too much money on books as the ARU library is amazing and almost all books are available online. They were right, the ARU library is fantastic… Read more…

28 March 2023

My first year studying Paramedic Science was one of the most eye-opening years I have had while being in education. I came to university at the age of 18 having moved far away from home. I always had a lot of excitement towards the course and always looked forward to learning more and more. Read more…

24 January 2023

As a mature student, making the decision to change career felt like a really big one! I knew I wanted to work in healthcare, but I was so unsure what path I wanted to take. Until one day, whilst looking at career options on the NHS website I stumbled across Operating Department Practitioner. Read more…

28 November 2022

Finding the perfect work/life balance as an Operating Department Practice student can be challenging to say the least, but you’ll be pleased to hear that it is possible with a little practice. Read more…

30 August 2022

The skills labs at ARU have been so helpful in giving us students the opportunity to practice essential skills before having to practice in placement. Read more…

Allied and public health Bloggers


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