Music Therapy portfolio, interview and audition

For our professional music therapy training course there is a two-stage application process. To support shortlisting you will be asked to submit a music portfolio. If you are successful at this stage, you will be then invited for interview and audition.

Music portfolio

You will need to supply a music portfolio video containing 10-15 minutes of varied music. The purpose of this portfolio is for you to demonstrate your instrumental playing standard and to convey something of your overall musicianship. The portfolio does not need to be of professional recording quality.

Your portfolio should include music on your preferred and at least one other instrument (including voice). If your preferred instrument is a single-line instrument, please also include an example of a harmony instrument such as piano, guitar or ukulele. Please include contrasting pieces which you feel best demonstrate your instrumental playing and musicianship. The choice of pieces is therefore up to you and you may include extracts from longer pieces. You may also include any other instruments you play.

For examples where you are part of a group, please ensure you are clearly identifiable and that the example is an adequate representation of your musical abilities.

Please include details of each piece (including title and composer) with your portfolio link.

Please host any videos on a video sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo - you can make the listing unlisted (not private) and send the link to [email protected] (home applications) or [email protected] (international applications).

Please ensure you include your name, the name of the course you are applying for and your student ID number.

If you are unable to share your videos via a video sharing site please use a file sharing service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. If you do this, you need to ensure your file is less than 1GB.

For any questions regarding portfolios, or any other aspect of the admissions process, please contact your admissions officer. We look forward to receiving your portfolio.

Interview and audition

As this is professional therapy training, we'll ask you to attend a workshop, interview and audition if you're shortlisted.

These are group workshops. If we do not have sufficient interviews booked for a session we may need to rearrange your interview and audition. We recommend you do not book travel or accommodation until 1 week before your interview.

Interviews are usually scheduled on Wednesdays from January–July.

In exceptional cases if you live overseas, we may consider interviewing you via video conference. You’ll only be offered this if you give clear reasons why it’s impossible for you to attend the interview/audition, and you have access to professional video conferencing equipment.

The day will include experiential music therapy group work with other candidates, as well as an individual interview and discussion with lecturers. These will allow us to consider your suitability and readiness for training, and also give you the chance to experience some of the teaching methods we use, so you can decide whether they're appropriate for your needs. In the workshop, you will be asked to engage in some group improvisations and musical tasks in the workshop using your own instruments and voices. A piano and percussion (tuned and untuned) will be available.

For the interview and audition, please prepare two brief contrasting pieces of your choice on each of your instruments. You will need to be prepared to demonstrate all the instruments you play. If you only play one instrument, you should prepare two short contrasting pieces on that instrument. Please be ready to improvise as directed on the day.

If piano is not one of your main instruments, you will be asked to demonstrate your keyboard skills.

If voice is not one of your main instruments, you will be asked to sing a short song of your choice.

The interviewers will discuss with you how much they want to hear you play on each of your instruments to ensure your musical skills can be assessed adequately.

Piano accompaniment can usually be provided for pieces for which the piano part is of an intermediate level which can be sight-read. Please request this beforehand. It is acceptable to perform without accompaniment.

If you have received an interview email invite, please ensure you read the important interview information.