
ARU’s Year 1 Musical Theatre students delighted audiences with their performances of Urinetown, in the Covent Garden Studio, in April 2022.

Urinetown is about a dystopian future where a long and severe drought has led to the privatisation of water. Personal bathrooms are no longer allowed and everyone has to use public toilets where they pay to pee. The Poor struggle every day to find enough money to afford the ever-increasing charges, until one of their own, Bobby Strong, rises up to lead them in a rebellion. But, things don’t go according to plan because… there is no plan, and, gradually, betrayal, vengeance, and empty promises beset their society. Which is a shame because, as Little Sally says, "the music’s so happy!"

Urinetown premiered off-Broadway in 2001. It was written by Greg Kotis (book and lyrics) and Mark Hollman (music and lyrics) and won the Tony awards for Best Book and Best Original Score. ARU’s production was musically directed by Adam Gerber, and Directed by Shaun Aquilina.