Fine Art Research Unit projects

The contributions we receive from our affiliated staff and research students cover a range of practices including: traditional text-based publications, exhibitions, curating, and also performance based work.


Phase IV artwork

Phase IV (2020)

Curated by Benet Spencer

The fourth international exhibition from Phase I: painting, drawing, architecture, to be held at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery, University of Greenwich, London, with catalogue publication and symposia. This art-architecture series of exhibitions is developed by Fine Art staff members as part of Réseau Peinture, featuring works by artists based in France, Germany and the UK.


Black and white photo of light shining on snowy mountainside

ROAR (2019)

Curated by Rosanna Greaves and Marina Velez

An artists’ book-work exploring key ideas arising from practice-based research in relation to sustainability issues, such as: experience of time, mutability, adaptability, energy and the problematics of quantifying nature, featuring printed word and image next to academic writing.



Phase III artwork

Phase III: le Modulor (2019)

Co-curated by Dr David Ryan, Benet Spencer and Katharina Schmidt

An international exhibition at HLM gallery, Marseilles which critically addresses aspects of Le Corbusier’s concept of 'le Modulor', realised by FARU members in collaboration with ARC Modulor Research Group from ESADMM, Marseilles, and the School of Design, University of Greenwich, London.


Map of running route

Running Cultures Research Network: towards innovative and inclusive pathways (2019-20)

Co-investigated by Dr Veronique Chance

Research network investigating running as a revolutionary, creative social practice and a serious, critical field of study. RCRN activities include academic as well as public events; exhibitions; publications and social media activity.


Painting of garden furniture

Collision Drive (2019)

Curated by Benet Spencer with Steven Rendall

A series of three exhibitions addressing the relationship between painting and collage through the notions of found-image, sampling and hybridity, presented in London and Lincoln, UK, and Melbourne, Australia.


Still from film showing abstract shapes


Directed by Simon Payne

Video film exploring colour field abstraction, illusions of movement and the perceptual effects associated with quick cutting, held in the LUX collection, UK.



Musical ensemble performing onstage in front of video screen showing water in a stone tank

Recitativo – fragments after Lucretius and Negri (Ongoing)

Directed by Dr David Ryan

An experimental intermedia work featuring live recitation, video and sound, performed with various ensembles in numerous venues in the UK and abroad.



Photo of people on stilts in fenland

The Flaming Rage of the Sea (2018)

Directed by Rosanna Greaves

A poetic film considering the constructed landscape of the Cambridgeshire Fenland and exploring alternative relational value systems to those driven by financial imperatives. Commissioned by Debating Natures Value Network.


Liquid Land exhibition

Liquid Land (2018-)

Curated by Rosanna Greaves and Harriet Loffler

Commissioned by Debating Natures Value Network and featuring moving image, installation, performance and sculpture, this group exhibition brought together contemporary artists whose work considers landscape and the environment.


Six spreads from RE:PRINT magazine

RE:PRINT (2018)

Co-edited by Dr Veronique Chance and Duncan Ganley

An artists’ book exploring the relationship between print media, interdisciplinary art and new technologies, addressing concerns of reproducibility, technical developments and inter-medial approaches in contemporary art.


Exhibition with paintings and wood sculpture

Phase II: Imagining Architecture (2018)

Co-curated by Dr David Ryan and Benet Spencer

An international group exhibition in Toulouse investigating the relationship between art and architecture, taking the archives of institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse (isdaT) as a starting point. Realised as part of Réseau Peinture.


Drawing of a blue building on rock with white fish beneath inside a cube

Phase I (2016)

Curated by Dr David Ryan and Benet Spencer

An international drawing exhibition featuring artists from France, Germany and the UK, curated and including work by Fine Art staff from Anglia Ruskin University and developed as part of Réseau Peinture.


Black and white photo of man touching wall

Drawing Towards Sound (2015)

Curated by Dr David Ryan

A large-scale exhibition examining the interface between the visual and the aural, featuring works by contemporary composers, musicians, visual artists, and film/videographers.



Fine Art painting

At a Point of Gesture (2015)

Curated by Dr David Ryan

An exhibition of painting bringing together five artists who, in different ways, explore and renegotiate the potential of gesture and materiality.



Black and white film still showing crater made by an explosion

Tidal Island (2014)

Directed by Neil Henderson

A video work showing time lapse footage of a man-made island off the Lincolnshire coastline, screened at Whitstable Biennial.



Art installation beneath a concrete overpass

Heavy Sentience (2014)

With Rosanna Greaves

A site responsive group exhibition testing a new collaborative model for artist-led exhibition production. The five artists involved produced new inter-dependent works in direct response to the gallery and each other’s practices.