Our world renowned Honorary Visiting Professor returns to speak at ARU

Due to popular demand, world renowned Visiting Professor Prof Mike Sharples, is returning to ARU to share his insights and experience of increasing student engagement with their learning through two new methods of inquiry-based learning: Personal Inquiry and Citizen Inquiry.

He will also demonstrate the nQuire platform, developed with the Open University and BBC, to support inquiry-based learning through citizen science investigations such as Gardenwatch. 

Colleagues are invited to hear Prof Sharples speak as part of our Talking about Teaching Seminar series on Wednesday 18 March, 13.00–15.00, CAM, LAB307.

Inquiry-based learning is a powerful form of active learning based on exploring a ‘big question’ through guided investigation. It encourages students to act like scientists, investigating themselves, their environment and their community. Students pose thoughtful questions, plan methods, collect and analyse evidence, respond to the question, share results and reflect on progress.

This is a particularly relevant and timely topic given our commitment to increase authentic learning and teaching methods at ARU, including the introduction of Live Briefs and interdisciplinary Ruskin Modules. 

Prof Sharples is Honorary Visiting Professor with Anglia Learning and Teaching’s Centre for Innovation in Higher Education (CIHE)and Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK. 

His research involves human-centred design of new technologies and environments for learning. He established the Innovating Pedagogy report series and is author of Practical Pedagogy – 40 New Ways to Teach and Learn. He is author of over 300 publications in the areas of educational technology, science education, human-centred design of personal technologies, artificial intelligence and cognitive science.

To book your place visit the CIHE events page.