Share your story of moving to online teaching and assessment

We’d love to hear from colleagues who’d be happy to share their experiences, ideas, practices, philosophies and stories of their move to online teaching and assessment.

We’re looking to create a living record of blogs/short stories to recognise colleagues’ efforts and inspiration and to help foster the adoption of good new practices as we’re better understanding how to go online.

We'd particularly like to know about how your students are engaging with your online learning and how it can be adapted or adopted by colleagues. 

For some inspiration, read some colleagues' blogs already shared: 

Firstly Dr Beatriz Acevedo (B&L) has drawn upon her extensive experience as an Academic Lead for Employability and a Principal Fellow of the HEA to create a YouTube video offering five practical tips for moving teaching online, a blog on thinking creatively for Teaching in times of uncertainty, and another on The pedagogy of care in times of crisis.

Secondly, Nicky Milner (HEMS) shares how she successfully moved assessment online for the PG Cert Medical & Healthcare Education. She recommends adapting to the new learning environment but maintaining the key aspects of the original plan, summarising key information to minimise student confusion and dissatisfaction, and using strategies that foster a trustful and supportive relationship with students.

We’d love to hear from you; this is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the incredible teaching happening at ARU. If you are interested and would like to discuss any ideas, please email [email protected]