Online Global Festival of Active Learning 2022 - save the date and submit your proposals
Colleagues are invited to submit a proposal for the Online Global Festival of Active Learning, which will take place online from 25-29 April 2022.
The Active Learning Network welcomes proposals for sessions that last 20-60 minutes, as well as asynchronous activities that attendees can engage with over the course of the week.
Suggestions for sessions include:
- Participatory workshops: A structured set of activities for participants to work on.
- Co-writing: Topics/prompts/tasks/questions for people to write about together in a collaborative online space.
- Co-research: Generate questions as a group, then split into smaller groups, each of whom take one question. Groups go off and research the topic, then everyone comes back together to share what they've found.
- Kicking the hornets' nest: A short provocation followed by a lively debate.
- Solution room: Choose a theme and ask each participant to think of a challenge they are facing around that theme. You might create breakout rooms according to the challenges. Anyone can enter any room to discuss, research and offer creative experiences and ideas.
- Co-storytelling: Create a story together. For example, your session might begin with a series of images. Take turns to talk about one of the images, building a narrative about the topic as the session progresses.
- Birds of a feather: A session where groups of people with a common interest or area of expertise informally work together. What will you ask them to create?
If you would like to host a session, please fill in our proposal form by Friday 4 March 2022.
For other workshops and activities in the coming weeks and months, visit the Active Learning Network events page.
Don’t forget that ARU has its own Active Learning Network that can support your proposal. For more information and to join the ARU ALN Team, contact [email protected]