Apply now to be supported and recognised for your commitment to teaching excellence

Our University is keen to support and recognise colleagues who conduct pedagogic research to enhance teaching excellence at ARU. Applications are now open to apply for Anglia Learning & Teaching Project Award funding and ARU Associate Teaching Fellowship.

Anglia Learning & Teaching Project Awards

The Learning and Teaching Project Award Scheme is open to all individuals and teams involved in teaching and in supporting the student learning experience at ARU. You can bid for funding of up to £3,500 to support a development and research project in 2020/21, which is designed to enhance our learning, teaching and assessment practice.  You are particularly encouraged to involve students as partners (rather than simply research assistants) in all aspects of your project work and its dissemination.

ARU Associate Teaching Fellow

All colleagues who have successfully completed a Learning and Teaching Project since 2014, or have joined us from other institutions having successfully carried out, and published the findings of a pedagogic project, are eligible to apply to become an ARU Associate Teaching Fellow

You will need to evidence how you have demonstrated your ongoing commitment to learning and teaching, how you have disseminated the findings, and how it has benefited peers. You will then receive an ARU ATF certificate and lapel pin 

Find guidance on submitting an application for either the LTP Award or the ARU ATF.

Your application needs to be submitted to your Deputy Dean for approval by 17.00 on Friday 20 March 2020 and, once approved, to [email protected] by 17.00 on Friday 27 March 2020. 

Full details are available on the Awards & Recognition webpages or you can contact Mark Warnes