Five days to go for Expressions of Interest - international Active Learning Conference

Anglia Learning and Teaching's online Active Learning Conference will take place on 20-21 July 2021 and you are invited to submit a proposal to deliver a presentation or workshop on the second day of the conference. The submission deadline is Tuesday 1 June 2021.

Our context for this year’s conference is ‘active and online’.

We are keen to receive innovative contributions and suggestions for formats of open sessions.

The Active Learning Conference seeks to engage academic practitioners, those researching active learning in higher education, educational developers, leaders and managers across the globe.

We welcome proposals that will stimulate discussion and action. Our focus is designing active learning, innovative pedagogies and curriculum design, leading change and researching active learning.

The following themes are indicative:

  • Engaging students
  • Assessment: Active, Authentic, Inclusive
  • Co-creation and collaboration
  • Becoming an active learning teacher
  • Active and inclusive
  • Spaces for active learning
  • Formats and submission types

Active Learning Session (e.g. workshops, space for innovation, twalks): 45 minutes.

Short interactive presentation/paper: 20 minutes, of which at least five minutes should be included for discussion, exploration, and questions. You should emphasise the lessons that can be drawn from your experience. Sessions that integrate presentation and discussion, rather than presentation followed by Q&A, will generally be preferred.

Asynchronous posters: We are keen to attract multimedia posters describing active learning pedagogies, curriculum design frameworks, and visual responses to the conference’s theme (five-minute recorded contributions).

Lightning strikes: Connect, share, shout, show and inspire! Get feedback, find collaborators, act! (five-minute live contributions).

Submit your proposal

Please submit your proposal via EasyChair.

Download our Quick Guide to EasyChair.

Please email any enquiries about submitting your proposal to [email protected].