Active Learning Network - Space Walk
Tuesday 16 January 2020, 16:00 - 18:00 Chelmsford campus, Cambridge campus
Join us for a Learning Space Walk as part of our Active Learning Network satellite group monthly meetings that is open to all colleagues committed to exploring active learning, and developing and sharing good practice.
This is a twilight walk where we’ll consider active learning spaces taking the theme of Doing, Being, Becoming, Belonging, and Connecting (D3BC). We’ll visit five locations to discuss each of the themes in relation to active learning, initially within the walking group with the aim of sharing ideas more widely.
We’ll be ‘joined’ by participants from other universities via Twitter who will be conducting similar walks and sharing their thoughts with us at the same time using the hashtag #SpaceTwalk2020.
“This Space Walk is a fun example of experiencing how learning doesn’t just take place in the classroom. It encourages out of the box thinking as well as interactive and collaborative working which are important for enhancing student learning,” says Andrew Middleton, Anglia Learning & Teaching.
Book your place now for the Space Walk and other future monthly ALN meetings.