Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy interviews

Your Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy interview will take place online through Microsoft Teams. Here's what you can expect to happen on the day.

Below, you’ll find some helpful information about your interview. Please take the time to read this.

Come prepared

You can prepare by researching the role of physiotherapists and occupational therapists, such as the environments we work in and the type of patients we work with. We'll be interested to hear why you want to join the profession and what your career aspirations are.

Be prepared to share your knowledge of how Physiotherapists/Occupational Therapists help their patients; what kind of assessments and treatments form part of their role. Also present your understanding of the different patients groups you could work in and explore the variety of possibilities here.

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy are regulated by the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) as well as the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and Royal College of Occupational Therapy (RCOT), respectively. At interview we want to understand how you would meet the professional standards and contribute to the development of the professions.

Teams interview 

Please ensure you have selected a suitable date and time on your Applicant Portal. Please note that all interviews are conducted at UK/GMT(Greenwich Mean time) therefore any time differences should be taken into consideration.

If you are unable to attend the date you have chosen, up to two days prior you may cancel your current selection on e-Vision and choose another date. If your interview date is less than two days away, please email us at [email protected].

We’ll send you a link to access the interview on Teams, usually two days prior to your interview taking place.

Please download the Microsoft Teams app on to your device (laptop or computer) or if you are using Chrome you can access via the web browser. To use Teams, your device needs to have a camera and a microphone.

Please have available some photo ID to show on screen when asked by the interviewer. This is a standard check that would normally be undertaken in a face-to-face interview. Your ID will be checked by the interviewing team. It can be a passport, driving licence or ID badge from your current employer or college.

Your interview will consist of questions and scenarios. We’ll be interested in your knowledge and understanding of the role of a physiotherapist or occupational therapist and your values.

You will be asked questions in a variety of ways, including scenario-based and reflective questions, as well as exploring your understanding and motivation to study physiotherapy or occupational therapy.

After your interview

After your interview, you’ll hear from our Admissions Team if you have been made an offer, which may be conditional on qualifications. All offers will be subject to a DBS check and a satisfactory Occupational Health check. If you are unsuccessful you may request feedback on your interview.