Aiming High, Scholar Profile - Agné Vaičiulyté
In this week’s sport scholar profile, we’re speaking with volleyball player and sport and exercise science student, Agné Vaičiulyté. Agné, who is due to complete her degree this summer, has been a stand-out performer in our volleyball programme for the past three years.
Playing in the position of opposite, Agné is the captain of the women’s team and has been a key part of the team’s achievements over the past three-years, which included winning the BUCS league and cup in 2019. Agné is also part of the Cambridge ARU national league team, who play in the Women’s Super League – the highest level of competition in this country.
Name: Agné Vaičiulyté
Sport: Volleyball
Course: BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
Q. Hello Agné, with sports facilities currently closed, how have you been managing keep active during this lockdown?
A. With gyms closed and volleyball trainings cancelled during lockdown, I’ve been keeping active by walking outside with my dog and have been reading a lot of books. I’ve also been doing S&C training at home with my family involved, so it is more motivation to keep moving and enjoy sport together.
Q. What’s your top piece of advice you’d give to others for staying in good health during the different levels of restrictions and lockdowns that we’ve experienced recently?
A. First of all, do not lock yourself in your room, as this time is a difficult and strange time for everybody. Remember you are not alone; so stay in touch with friends and family, get enough sleep, stay physically active and find your routine.
Q. Despite the challenges and lack of competitive opportunities over the past year, are there any achievements you’re particularly proud of?
A. My biggest achievement is that I got stronger physically and psychological during this past year.
Q. What are your sporting aims and ambitions for 2021?
A. I have a lot ambitions, but currently as we all stuck at home during lockdown I am afraid to plan anything. BUT I would like to play volleyball at a professional level.
Q. What has been your favourite sporting memory during your time at ARU?
A. In 2019, when we became BUCS league and cup champions.
Q. What’s the best thing about playing sport at ARU?
A. It was an amazing three years at Anglia Ruskin University. I could not separate just one best thing.
Q. What are your current plans for pursuing your sporting career when you graduate?
A. My plans when I graduate are to keep playing volleyball, hopefully at a professional level, somewhere in Europe. I might come back to Lithuania and play in my country.