Interactive game boosts health of Essex residents
New research report reveals Beat The Street improved mental and physical wellbeing
Our annual awards recognise former ARU students who have made outstanding contributions to society or in their careers.
Make a nominationNew research report reveals Beat The Street improved mental and physical wellbeing
The Lab allows a wider range of courses to be offered, with most starting this January
VIEWPOINT: ARU expert on what happens when we think we’re getting a good deal
Results show benefits and barriers for migrants accessing the natural environment
Professor Shahina Pardhan and Dr Emily Charlesworth receive optometry awards
Programme provides money for Anglia Ruskin students to take ideas forward
Research was carried out by the charity Drinkaware and forensics experts at ARU
Rethinking Health project backed by influential leaders launches at Westminster
VIEWPOINT: ARU expert on how to reduce the large climate impact of our internet use
Immersive theatre production will feature ‘ghostly prisoners’ and ‘crooked judges’