School of Medicine short courses

There are 78 courses available

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Short course
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The e-ILS course is suitable for doctors, medical students, nurses, nursing students, midwives, ODPs and student ODPs, paramedics and student paramedics, physiotherapists, dentistry professionals and other health and care professionals. It may also be suitable for fire service technicians, police personnel, and prison officers.
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Short course
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Our one-day course covers anaesthetic critical incident practice for anaesthetists and operating department practitioners. Get a full day of risk-free practice in our high-fidelity simulation suite.
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Short course
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Join us for an outstanding educational course delivered by Professor Iris Grunwald, author of How to set up an acute stroke service.

Acute Stroke Treatment

CPD and short courses

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Short course
Course features
Join us for an outstanding educational course delivered by Professor Iris Grunwald.

Adult Acute Care

CPD and short courses

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Blended learning
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Short course
Course features
Make safety and quality of care an essential part of your clinical practice. Improve your ability to continually re-evaluate and enhance care and learning strategies, supporting improvements in acute care practice.
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Short course
Course features
Gain the knowledge, skills and ability to recognise stroke symptoms and to plan immediate and ongoing interventions and care.
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Blended learning
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Short course
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If you are a healthcare professional, working in a first contact or emergency care setting, this module will provide you with advanced decision-making skills, theoretical knowledge and advanced practical skills to work towards autonomous minor injury management.
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Blended learning
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Short course
Course features
Prepare to prescribe medicines from the British National Formulary (BNF) in your area of competence. With our Non-Medical Prescribing course, you’ll learn to prescribe safely, appropriately and cost-effectively as both an independent and supplementary prescriber.
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Short course
Course features
Develop your nursing or AHP skills to deliver same-day consultation services for patients - or enhance your existing skills by improving your decision-making and becoming more confident in offering treatment and referrals. Our Clinical Assessment Skills short course covers physical exams for all body systems, and assessment of common conditions and minor injuries, learning to use and interpret diagnostic equipment.

Applied Leadership & Management

CPD and short courses

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Distance learning
Available as:
Short course
Course features
Undertake an innovative exploration of leadership and management in healthcare, examining their impact on organisations and wider external considerations.
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