May 2023

Steve Batchelor

Steven Batchelor

BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) 2023

1. Tell us about yourself
I’m Steve Batchelor and I completed my Foundation Degree Assistant Practitioner (Nursing) in July 2022 as part of the Degree Apprenticeship Nursing course. I’ve just completed my BSc in Adult Nursing which concluded in April 2023.

Having had a long career in management, I started volunteering as a Community First Responder to help the community in my spare time. The love of providing healthcare to my community lead me to make a complete change in vocation and move into the healthcare sector, initially in the Ambulance Service as an Emergency Care Assistant, and ultimately into nursing, where I worked as an Associate Practitioner in my local community nursing service whilst completing my degree to become a Registered Nurse. As an older student, now 41 years old, I never thought I would gain a degree, but here we are!

2. What is your fondest memory of Anglia Ruskin University?
Having completed every module of my foundation studies during the pandemic, my fondest memory of ARU is the way that the cohort had to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances, learn new ways to learn and study, and how we, as students, were able to work with the staff at ARU to maintain a fully supportive way of working during unprecedented circumstances. The way this new approach has been adopted by the university during the continuation of my BSc since restrictions were lifted has been particularly refreshing.

3. What has been your favourite job?
My current role as a Community Nurse is by far the best job I have had to date. Working in the community to deliver healthcare to patients in their own homes allows me to use the skills and knowledge gained during my studies to make a real impact on peoples lives, who would otherwise struggle to access healthcare. Knowing that the work you are doing has such a positive impact on the residents of my community is a privilege and remains the driving force that inspires me to strive to further empower patients to be the best versions on themselves they can be.

4. In one word, how would you describe Anglia Ruskin University?

5. How did your time at ARU help you?
ARU has not only helped me professionally, but it has also helped personally, allowing me to recognise qualities and traits I didn’t know I had. It has inspired me to become a better practitioner, but to also better understand how my skills and experiences can be used to drive others to improve themselves.

6. What did you love about your chosen course?
I have loved being exposed to the various areas of nursing that make up the wider profession. The experience gained by being on placement in a wide variety of nursing disciplines has taught me a great deal of clinical and professional skills, which I will carry with me throughout my career.

7. What advice would you give to current students as they’re preparing to graduate?
Embrace every challenge! There will be ups and downs along the way, but don’t look at graduation as the end, more like the end of the beginning. Use every experience gained during your learning en-route to graduation as the foundation on which to build your future.

8. What do you know now that you wish you had known whilst studying?
If I had known at the start of my ARU journey just how much completing a university course helps you to develop personally as well as professionally, I would not have put off academic studies for so long. Being part of the university family is truly more than just a learning experience.

9. Who was the biggest influence on your career?
My wife is my inspiration for pursuing a career as a registered nurse. Having been in the healthcare sector for over a decade before I chose to move into the profession, her knowledge and skills have always astounded me. Her support throughout my studies has been invaluable, and I can’t thank her enough for inspiring me to achieve.

10. What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Life is short, so grasp every opportunity, chase your dreams, believe in yourself, and go for it.

11. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
Back in the day, I was the drummer in a successful band and have been lucky to play in some amazing venues such as football stadiums and at festivals. The highlight of which was supporting the Britpop band Dodgy - (I’m sure some of you must be old enough to remember them).

12. What’s next?
I am now starting to hone my skills a Registered Nurse, so who knows where I will go from there. The sky is the limit as the say. Ultimately, my end goal is to become a Nurse Prescriber, or Advanced Nurse Practitioner, and maybe one day, pass on my skills and knowledge to the next generation of nurses in an academic role.