March 2020

Annabelle Neilson sits in front of a white background and is wearing a dark blue top. She is smiling at the camera

Annabelle Neilson

LLB Law 2006

1. What is your fondest memory at Anglia Ruskin University?

My fondest memory of Anglia Ruskin University centres round the time I spent as an ARU Siren (the University's cheerleading squad). When I started at ARU, the Phantoms American football team had recently been set up and a number of the teams the Phantom's played against had a supporting cheerleading squad. We were keen to show our support for the team, and I am very proud to have been one of the founding members of the ARU Sirens, taking the squad to their first cheerleading competition. Towards the end of my time at ARU, I also coached the squad. I had great fun shivering on the side lines of the football field cheering along the Phantoms and taking part in the BCA cheerleading competition was most definitely a highlight. In the summer of 2007, I was privileged to be a part of the Great Britain Bulldogs Cheerleading squad who played an international game in Norway.

I am immensely proud of the ARU Sirens and it gives me great pleasure to see them continue to be a successful club at ARU.

2. What has been your favourite job?

Having worked in complex high value serious injury claims for the past 10 years, I would have to say that this has by far been my favourite job. I am excited to go to work every day. No day is the same. No case is the same. Litigation is fast paced and challenging and keeps me on my toes. Nothing beats being able to tell your client, who is coming to terms with a life altering injury, that you have secured their future with often life changing sums of money.  

3. In one word, how would you describe ARU?


4. Why did you choose Anglia Ruskin University?

The university has a great reputation for the Law LLB degree and took a very practical approach to teaching. They had (and still have) a successful mooting team and offered a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities. The lecturers had often worked as solicitors and barristers before becoming lecturers and offered a wealth of experience in their lectures.

5. What did you love about your chosen course?

The variety of subjects on offer meant that there was always something new and challenging to learn. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the history of the legal system and the development of case law in many areas of practice. There was a very practical approach to everything that we learnt and an emphasis on how to apply our learning to everyday legal scenarios which may arise. 

6. What advice would you give to current students as they're preparing to graduate?

Working in the legal profession is challenging and rewarding. When mapping your career, consider all of the options which are available to you. There are a number of different routes which you can take to become a solicitor and you need to find the route that fits you best. Work experience is invaluable to prepare you for the type of case work which you may encounter in your chosen area of law.

7. Who was the biggest influence on your career?

My role as a personal injury solicitor is client centred and my clients are most definitely the most interesting part of my job at Boyes Turner Claims. Each case is unique and presents its own challenges, both legal and human. I act on complex and high value personal injury cases and have successfully settled cases where other solicitors have failed. I will never tire of successfully concluding cases on behalf of my clients.

8. What's next?

In addition to continuing to work my way towards Partner, my ambition remains to work on challenging, complex and difficult high value personal injury claims to achieve the best possible settlement on behalf of my clients.