Nature-based Interventions and Equine Therapy for Uniformed Public Services (NIETUPS) symposium

  • Dates: 9 October 2024, 09:30 - 16:30
  • Cost: £87.50
  • Venue: Writtle campus
Book your place via the ARU Store by 4 October
A rider on a horse standing in a shallow body of water with a leader beside them. There are geese swimming in the distance, and trees further away.

Join us for the inaugural NIETUPS symposium, co-hosted by Jonathan Friedlander (Equustrong, US) and ARU's Dr Chris Kay (Veterans & Families Research Institute).

This event is for anyone researching, delivering or potentially benefitting from participation in nature-based and equine activities that help people adjust to life-changing circumstances. It brings together expert practitioners and researchers in the field of recovery support from the UK and the US.

The symposium will take place at ARU's Writtle campus in the heart of the Essex countryside. Accessible, free shuttle buses will be provided from Chelmsford, which is just a 35-minute train ride from London Liverpool Street station.

Provisional agenda

9am: Opening and institutional welcome
Laurie Butler – Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean for the Faculty of Science and Engineering

9.05am: Symposium overview
Symposium Chair Prof Matt Fossey – Professor of Public Services Research, Director, Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research (VFI), Co-Director, Centre of Excellence for Equity in Uniformed Public Services (CEEUPS)

9.15am: Lived experience from within uniformed public services
Will Reynolds - US Army (retired)

9.30am: Introduction to the needs of recovering UK and US uniform public service personnel
Dr Chris Kay – Senior Research Fellow, Veterans & Families Institute
Dr Matt Carpenter – Vice President of New York Law Enforcement Assistance Program (NYLEAP) and Jim Banish – Founder of NYLEAP, USLEAP and Valor Station

10am: Symposium session 1 – Adventurous activities and recovery support
Pete Smith – Warrant Officer Class 2, Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor, UK Ministry of Defence, Adventurous Training and military recovery
Dr Ailsa Snaith – Expedition canoeing with Forces Wives Challenge Charity

10.40: Refreshment break

11am: Lived experience from within uniformed public services
Clifford O'Farrell – UK Household Cavalry veteran
Denny Wright – Rochester New York Police Department

11.40am: Symposium session 2 – Equine assisted programmes
Mary Jo Beckman – CDR, US Navy, Ret; PATH Intl Master Therapeutic Riding Instructor
Anita Shkedi – Equine Assisted Activities and Therapy (TBC)
Cpt Karl Scholes – Riding Master of the UK Household Cavalry Regiment

1pm: Lunch and travel to Equine Training and Development Centre (approx 30 mins walk or stroll)

2.30pm: Equine assisted programme interactive demonstration
This practical demonstration with horses from the UK Household Cavalry, expert practitioners, local and US veterans will be held in the Equine Training and Development Centre. Run by Mary Jo Beckman, Stacy Friedlander and supported by staff of the Household Cavalry, you'll witness some of the practical approaches to equine assisted support programmes.

5pm: Close

  • Dates: 9 October 2024, 09:30 - 16:30
  • Cost: £87.50
  • Venue: Writtle campus
Book your place via the ARU Store by 4 October