27 February 2025
How to prepare for success as an Anglia Ruskin University alumni
Dominique shares her advice to help you prepare to make the most of your post-university journey. Read more…
Faculty: Science and Engineering
School: Life Sciences
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
Category: Sciences nutritional and pharmaceutical
9 June 2022
Reading and learning are very essential for students looking for an introduction to the biomedical science profession. It is very important to acquire knowledge from reliable and up-to-date sources. While studying Biomedical Science at university I have found several materials and resources that have helped me study and write my assignments.
I will share my favourite books, that will help you gain knowledge that you can apply throughout the course and in your future career. The fun part is that all these books are available in the ARU library as physical copies, and you can also access them online through the university library website.
This book blends essential basic science with insights into laboratory practice to show you how an understanding of the biology of disease is coupled to the analytical approaches that lead to diagnosis.
This is my most favourite book. It clearly explains all the concepts of anatomy and physiology by providing necessary descriptions and illustrations to help students understand the information. I have used this book multiple times as a reference to my written assessments.
This book is perfect for all introductory genetics courses as it emphasises the fundamentals of genetics, while exploring modern techniques and applications of genetic analysis.
This book consists of all the core concepts of biology including chemical basis of life, evolution, metabolism, cell communication, and genetics, in detail. You must have learnt most of these concepts in school. This book perfectly combines the basic school level and advanced university level information.
This section includes important websites to find the latest information and research studies, which you can use to write your assignments.
PubMed is a huge database that consists of free full-text biomedical and life sciences journals.
It comprises full text journals published by Elsevier, in the field of science, technology, and medicine.
BMC is a part of Springer Nature and has an evolving portfolio of high-quality peer-reviewed journals that you can explore within specific criteria, such as BMC Biology, BMC Medicine, BMC Research Notes, and BMC Genomic Data.
It consists of information on various anatomical slides and complementary histological slides that are very useful for lab work.
It is a gateway to the best science news resources.
It is a freely accessible web search engine that includes credible scholarly literature.
It is a software used to create scientific figures, diagrams, and illustrations from a scientifically accurate image library.
Komal studies at ARU in Cambridge. Find out more about Biomedical Science, and other degree courses, at one of our Open Days.
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