Moving to the UK and choosing to study Midwifery at ARU


Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Midwifery and Community Health
Course: BSc (Hons) Midwifery
Category: Nursing and midwifery

13 August 2021

Midwifery student Casey reflects on her decision to move from Ireland to the UK to study at ARU in Cambridge.

I had just turned 18, finishing my Leaving Certificate (A Level equivalents) in Ireland. I knew midwifery was for me, but where would I choose to study my degree?

Through further research while completing my PLC (college) course, my tutors highlighted the route of travelling to the UK to complete my midwifery training. Here my eyes were opened completely, and I knew instantly this was how I was meant to complete my training.

One year on from making my jump across the water, I have had a decent amount of time to recognise why I would recommend this to others in my situation, and why I specifically chose ARU to study with.

Why the UK instead of Ireland?

  • Midwifery is a three-year degree, instead of four years in Ireland.
  • I could learn complete independence through throwing myself in the deep end.
  • To explore beyond my own country.
  • To have a fresh beginning with new friends (we are now basically family).
  • The beautiful city of Cambridge was like a home away from home. A city big enough to feel like you had freedom, but not so big you'd feel you'd get lost.
  • I'm never too far away if times get tough.

Why ARU?

  • ARU has plenty of experience in teaching Midwifery and Nursing over the past 25 years. All lecturers have a monumental amount of experience to share.
  • ARU partner hospitals are very well known for taking on their students following qualification, due to the high standard of teaching supplied.
  • The lecturers are so happy to help. Through all my work I felt completely supported and felt my work was to the highest standard I could possibly complete.

As hard as my first year has been living alone, making such a big jump as a 19-year-old and being truly challenged throughout the year, I can say moving to the UK and studying here at ARU is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I've grown as a person, I'm nothing but proud of myself for making it this far, and I'm beaming with excitement for my second year. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for the fantastic opportunities ARU has offered me.

Casey studies Midwifery at ARU in Cambridge. We also train midwives in Chelmsford and Peterborough. Find out more about Midwifery, and other degree courses, at one of our Open Days.


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