Marilena’s list of apps and websites for nursing students

Guest posts

Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
Course: Nursing - Adult BSC (Hons)
Category: Nursing and midwifery

26 July 2023

Marilena Stoica

My name is Marilena, and I’m a senior lecturer and personal tutor in adult nursing. I’m also a registered nurse specialised in orthopaedic, trauma, and general surgical nursing.

Open Days and Taster Days

During Open Days and Taster Days, applicants will often ask me what resources they should familiarise themselves with before they start.

I personally am a huge fan of apps and websites, because they are often free and accessible even before the start of the course.  

So, I collated my favourite digital resources below for you to explore at your own pace. These apps will also become useful during your degree to stay on top of revision and hone your knowledge.

I hope you will find them as useful as I and my students do! 

Useful apps and websites list

  1. Up-to-date clinical guidelines for physical health and mental health conditions
  2. ICU NOTES app – explaining the care of critically ill patients and all the care bundles for their care.  
  3. EMC - The largest database containing all medicines licensed for human use in the United Kingdom.
  4. Patient Info - The website is written by GPs in the UK explaining every condition, disease, or symptom.
  5. 3D Brain app - Available free of charge on the Apple store.  
  6. BBC - Anatomy and Physiology.
  7. BBC - Physiology and health.
  8. BioCloud 3D -3D Human Anatomy for students, patients, and healthcare professionals.
  9. Visual Anatomy Free – Free Anatomy App on Google Play store.
  10. RCN - (Royal College of Nursing) website, A page which is especially useful to bookmark is the Principles of Professional Practice
  11. Visible Body app.  
  12. British Red Cross – First Aid app
  13. St John Ambulance – First Aid app
  14. Baby and child first Aid app.  
  15. iResus app (Resuscitation Council UK guidelines app).  
  16. NICE guidelines website
  17. Department of Health and Social Care website.
  18. OHID (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities) website
  19. NMC -Nursing and Midwifery Council website.
  20. NHS England - Introducing SIX Cs of Nursing



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