ARU Blogs — Hollie

Child Nursing student and blogger Hollie

Faculty:Health, Medicine and Social Care

School:School of Nursing

Course: BSc (Hons) Child Nursing

My name is Hollie, and I am studying Child Nursing in Chelmsford. I split my time between university studies and placements, and I’ve experienced a lot!

In my first year I lived on campus and was Course Rep (I still am!) which was a great experience and recommend it to everyone.

My nursing placements have been eye opening and I have learned so much. When I’m not on placement or at university, you’ll usually find me in a coffee shop somewhere with my laptop or in the university library. I am also a part of the Child Nursing Society’s Leaders council (Social Media holder) and enjoy spending time with my fellow colleagues on trips and at conferences. I recommend that you join.

One of the best choices I’ve made is working as a Student Ambassador. I'd recommend it to those on busy courses as it allows you to choose your shifts to suit you.

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15 July 2021

Nursing student Hollie worked in Children's Accident and Emergency for her final placement. Here. she reflects on her experiences on the ward, supporting other students, and plans for her future career as a registered nurse. Read more…

1 December 2020

Child Nursing student Hollie undertook a placement in a children's hospice as part of her training, and was struck by the work that staff do to make the environment peaceful, safe and relaxing. She reflects on her time on placement. Read more…


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