ARU Blogs — Amber Sage

Selfie of Amber Sage

Faculty:Health, Medicine and Social Care

School:School of Midwifery and Community Health

Course: Bsc (Hons) Midwifery

Hi, I'm Amber, a 3rd year Midwifery student at the Chelmsford Campus. I can safely say I'm on the craziest roller coaster of my life but loving every minute of it.

Being a Midwife has always been a dream for me and after taking years out of education, I took the plunge, studied hard at college and here I am! Finally achieving my dreams is surreal, amazing, scary, enjoyable and fascinating all at the same time. No day is the same in the world of Midwifery (a statement you will hear a lot!!).

I've learnt so much in my short time here at ARU but words cannot describe the feeling of coming out of my first trimester with THREE (not just one, but three!!) births!! It's just the start of my career as a Midwife and it's incredible.

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30 April 2019

Looking after a women’s mental health during her pregnancy and after giving birth is a big part of the midwife’s role in midwifery. A woman face a lot of changes during this time and midwives must ensure she is cared for and that her needs are met. Read more…

12 December 2018

In this blog, Amber tells us about their placement experience. In the first year of studying a midwifery degree, student midwives get a chance to experience community, postnatal, and labour placement. Labour placements are usually split into high-risk units and low-risk birthing units. Read more…


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