Freshers Survival Guide as a Commuter Student

Morgan Rice

Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
Course: BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
Category: Student blogs

21 December 2023

As Freshers Week happens every year, I thought I would compile a helpful list of advice specifically for commuter students on how to survive during this time.

Get involved

As a commuter student, the thought of trying to make friends and build connections can be quite daunting, as you don't have the same opportunities available as people who live within the city or student accommodation. Although the opportunities available as a commuter are different, don't be alarmed as there are still plenty of opportunities to make friends. Joining in social activities and events the Student Union’ throws such as freshers fair, movie, and games nights. I really enjoyed the freshers fair as it gave me a chance to connect with people. 

Stay balanced

Although the first couple of weeks of university are important for making connections and having fun, it is important to stay focused. In the first few weeks, you will be given lots of key information about your course such as what assignments you will have to complete, key dates, and be introduced to your course and module leaders and your tutors.

Ask for help

If you are feeling anxious or nervous about anything there are a wealth of services available at ARU. During your first few months, you will be assigned a welcome buddy who is someone you go to for advice and support. You can chat with them online but can also arrange to meet in person. There are also other services available such as student support, and study skills plus among many others. There is a service available for any potential worry and it can be extremely helpful to access these rather than just suffering in silence.


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