Celebrating the Completion of My Master's Programme in Music Therapy


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Creative Industries
Course: MA Music Therapy
Category: Nursing and midwifery

25 June 2024

As I stand at the threshold of a new chapter in my life, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable journey that has brought me here. Completing my Master's programme in Music Therapy at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge has been a transformative experience, one that has shaped both my personal and professional growth in profound ways.

A Journey of Discovery and Growth

From the moment I arrived at ARU, I knew I was embarking on a unique and enriching adventure. The vibrant and inclusive campus community provided a nurturing environment where I could explore, learn, and grow. The programme was challenging in all the right ways with a blend of academic excellence, clinical practice in NHS settings, and personal introspection. The diverse cohort of students and professors I had the privilege of learning alongside was one of the highlights of my experience. We came from different corners of the world, each bringing our own cultural perspectives and musical traditions. These ideas and experiences enriched our discussions and broadened our understanding of music therapy practice.

The Power of Music in Healing

The curriculum at ARU was meticulously designed to equip us with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to become effective music therapists. Courses on psychology, theory, music improvisation, and therapeutic techniques were interwoven with hands-on clinical placements, allowing us to apply our learning in real-world settings. I had the great pleasure of working at NHS Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London and NHS Fulbourn Psychiatric Hospital in Cambridge. One of the most impactful aspects of the programme was witnessing firsthand the profound effect music can have on individuals facing various challenges. Whether working with children and infants in respiratory wards or adults with mental health challenges, I saw how music therapy could reach places words alone often cannot. It was humbling and inspiring to be part of their healing journey, using music to unlock emotions, foster communication, and promote well-being. I had amazing supervisors to learn from and I am forever grateful for their guidance and support.

Support and Guidance

The support and guidance I received from the faculty at Anglia Ruskin were instrumental in my success. Their expertise, passion, and dedication were evident in every lecture, workshop, and supervision session. They challenged us to think critically, encouraged us to push our boundaries, and provided unwavering support during the inevitable moments of self-doubt. I am particularly grateful for the mentorship I received from my tutor during my dissertation project. Conducting research on the effects of music therapy on how physical touch affects music therapy sessions with infants in hospital settings was a demanding yet rewarding endeavour. The process honed my research skills and deepened my understanding of touch, music therapy, infants, and wards in children’s hospitals.

Looking Ahead

As I celebrate the completion of my Master's Programme, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the future. The knowledge, skills, and experiences I have gained at Anglia Ruskin have prepared me to embark on a career dedicated to using music as a tool for healing and transformation. I look forward to joining the ranks of music therapists who are making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities. I am eager to continue exploring the endless possibilities within this field, contributing to its growth and advocating for the recognition of music therapy as a vital and effective form of treatment. I have applied for a Graduate visa to be in England, and I am excited about where this will take me.


My journey at Anglia Ruskin University would not have been possible without the support of my family, friends, and colleagues. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities have been my driving force. I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to the university for providing such a dynamic and enriching environment, one that has equipped me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the world. This has been a life-changing experience and a life-long goal of mine completed. Thank you, Anglia Ruskin University, for this incredible journey. Here’s to the future and the power of music to heal, connect, and transform lives.


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