Travelling by Park & Ride

All Park & Ride services stop at the Grafton Centre, and Drummer Street or Emmanuel Street in the City Centre, except the Trumpington Service. The Trumpington service stops in the city centre on Downing Street, which is a little further away, before continuing on to the Grafton Centre.
Please note that all Park & Ride services stop at approximately 8.00pm. Gates to the sites are locked and cars cannot be removed.

Directions from Grafton Centre (about 10 minutes walk)
From the Park & Ride bus stop, with your back to the Grafton Centre entrance, turn right onto East Road passing the British Heart Foundation charity shop. Continue walking along East Road, passing a parade of shops on your right (including Blockbuster Video and Tesco Express)) until you come to the pedestrian crossing opposite Anglia Ruskin University. Cross the road and enter the university through the main entrance at the bottom of the steps ahead. Walk down the corridor towards the University Library and look for the doors on the right into the Mumford Theatre.

Directions from City Centre Bus Stops (about 10 minutes walk)
From Emmanuel Street walk towards Drummer Street bus station, turn right and continue via Parker Street and Parkside. Pass the Police Station on your left, and at the crossroads ahead cross the road, go left up East Road and almost immediately pass through a gap in the railing fence on your right - this path takes your diagonally across Petersfield, a small park area. At the other side of the park, the path leads you into a small side street. From here you can see the Bradmore Street entrance into Anglia Ruskin University directly ahead. Once inside turn right, walk down the corridor towards the University Library and look for the doors on the right into the Mumford Theatre.