The DigiFest workshop day introduced colleagues to a number of new learning technologies, how best to use them to increase student engagement and explored the benefits of media-enhanced teaching, learning and assessment.
Workshop day outline
The workshop day included a full programme of presentations which will be available to view online shortly.
- Stream 1
Guest workshop: Overcoming barriers to Student Engagement: Reflecting and sharing solutions to create inclusive engagement with students through new conversations, spaces and practices in Higher Education - Tom Lowe (University of Winchester)
- Stream 2
Introduction to Team-Based Learning - Uwe Richter and Linda Brown (AL&T)
- Stream 3
Canvas New Quizzes (QuizzesNext) - Kate Outhwaite (AL&T)
- Stream 3
Introduction to classroom technologies - Jason Williams (AL&T)
12.00-13.00 Lunch (Vouchers will be provided to delegates attending sessions both in the morning and afternoon.)
- Stream 1
Introduction to Zoom (Webinar) - Kate Outhwaite and Jason Williams (AL&T)
- Stream 2
Digital collaborators: developing a digital classroom approach of connected learning - Andrew Middleton and Uwe Richte (AL&T)
- Stream 3
Engaging students through Poll Everywhere - James Trueman (AL&T)
- Stream 4
*Using TOPdesk to manage PDT interactions with students and referrals to Student Services - Rachel Wright (Student Services)
- Stream 1
Transforming Canvas into an Active Digital Learning Environment - Isobel Gowers (AL&T)
- Stream 2
*Introduction to MyShowcase - Uwe Richter and Kate Outhwaite (AL&T)
- Stream 3
Media-Enhanced Assessment - Andrew Middleton and James Trueman (AL&T)
- Stream 4
*Using TOPdesk to manage PDT interactions with students and referrals to Student Services - Rachel Wright (Student Services)
- Stream 1
Using e-textbooks to support teaching - Carlos Sejournant (Kortext) and Christina Harbour (University Library)
- Stream 2
*Advanced MyShowcase - Uwe Richter and Kate Outhwaite (AL&T)
- Stream 3
Making MyPlayer work in your course - Andrew Middleton and Jason Williams (AL&T)
- Stream 4
*Using TOPdesk to manage PDT interactions with students and referrals to Student Services - Rachel Wright (Student Services)
*These sessions will be of particular interest to Personal Development Tutors (PDT)
Register for the different workshop sessions using the online form.
Follow us on Twitter to find out who's lined up at #ARUDigiFest