ARU is the place to develop your knowledge and skills to become a competent and effective Montessori teacher. With over 20 years’ experience of training education professionals, we're the only UK university provider of specialist Montessori degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and we’re in the top 10% in the country for graduate employment (Graduate Outcomes Survey 2024).
Chelmsford, Distance Learning
Chelmsford, Cambridge
Kate graduated from our BA (Hons) Montessori Early Childhood Studies in 2023 as a mature student, and now works as Manager of a thriving Montessori Nursery and Pre-school in Cambridgeshire.
Discover how our course helped KateLucy studies on our BA (Hons) Montessori Early Childhood Studies degree by distance learning, and manages a nursery recently rated Outstanding by Ofsted.
Read our full interview with Lucy