Special interest group explores HealthTech and data in Harlow

Arise Innovation Hub Harlow hosted a special interest group for businesses and stakeholders around HealthTech and data last month.


This event was a product of another collaboration between Arise and Medilink Midlands; a webinar on “New Horizons in Health Technology and Data”. This brought together businesses and stakeholders digitally, and after showcasing some of the many capabilities of Harlow, businesses were keen to learn more in person.


Visitors to the half day event were treated to a talk by our Hubs director Dr Beverley Vaughan, on the Arise ecosystem and the support for businesses in Health, Performance and Wellbeing on offer there. She introduced the event by talking about how Anglia Ruskin University and Arise are generating business within the local area.


This was followed by a tour of Kao Data centre, who develop and operate high performance data centres for advanced computing. Based in the local area, they provide enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI customers with a world-class home for their computers.


There was time for networking and lunch followed by presentations from Cllr Dan Sword from Harlow Council. He talked about opportunities for innovation at Harlow.


We had an inspiring talk from Arises’ newest Harlow occupant, Ingrid Folland from Japeto. Japeto builds innovative chatbot tools for charities and healthcare.


The event was supported by Medilink Midlands, who support MedTech and HealthTech businesses nationwide.


The day was enjoyed by all. Thank you to all who attended. Thanks to Kao data for the tour and the encouraging speakers who left the audience inspired and informed of the innovation in Harlow.


To be invited on our next special interest group, make sure to sign up to our mailing list here.