Facilities and Benefits
In addition to professional office and innovation space, if you choose to join our innovation centre community in Chelmsford you can access ARU's campus facilities.
As part of Arise, members have access to additional services including ARU's new gym - 'The Old Factory', sports facilities, students cafe 92, Digital Copy Services, Employment Bureau and the library.
Arise members have access to ARU's Conference facilities at discounted rates. A range of modern lecture theatres, classrooms and specialist spaces are available to hire at both Chelmsford and Cambridge campuses.
Occupants can avail of a number of hours complimentary meeting room space per month, included in the service charge and dependent on their office unit size. Rooms will be made available on a first-come-first-served basis.
Arise occupants have access to our Collaboration Suite on the 1st floor. An informal area, where occupants can hold informal meetings, in person or online, or network with others over lunch.
Arise occupants have access to the Welcome Area, where their guest can sign in. Occupants can hold informal meetings, participate in online calls or simply meet and greet their guests.
A kitchenette is provided on both the ground and first floor of the Arise Chelmsford for occupants to use, complete with cutlery, crockery, microwaves, toaster, water boiler, dishwasher and on the 1st floor – seating there is everything you may need – just bring your own tea, coffee and milk.
We have a range of R&D facilities on campus to support your business. Engineering facilities include Built Environment, Mechanical, Civil and Medical Engineering Labs and Workshops and Additive Manufacturing facilities.
Members of our Ecosystem can work with Anglia Ruskin University. They can work on live briefs, Knowledge Exchange, and have access to interns and placements.
Arise occupants have access to Cafe 92, the student union bar across the road from the Hub - Home of great coffee!
Arise occupants have access to the Old Factory Gym, on campus, for a discounted rate.
Communicate is proud to support Arise Innovation Hubs and their members with fully managed IT Solutions. Their services are designed to support your business with rapid setup and on demand support.